Email communication is a part and parcel of our lives. The following short info-graphic is all about how netizens use the email, latest trends, active life of a mail ID used, emailing on mobiles and the spamming menace of emails.
Once again, this infographic not only illustrates how people use email and how time consuming it is. It also shows how people behave and, when overwhelmed, how soon they create a new email address.

In the following part of the article we will study some stats and facts about the email security and the usage across the globe. It has been seen that around 25% of the people send email at late night just to prove their commitment. There are 57% of the users whose half of the working day is spent on email. Email is also relied as a search tool by around 86% of the people.

Some of the other interesting facts about email say that in every 6 months around 17% of the Americans create a new mail address. Email address is changed by 30% of subscribers annually. Around 43% of the users check their mails for 4 or even more times in a day.

If we consider an email to be an envelope of 1mm thickness and then arrange them vertically then they will reach a height of around 294,000 kms.

When it comes to hacking, 1 out of every 5 email accounts gets hacked and this also includes the trusted and the secured services like Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail. If we talk about the biggest usage of Email across the globe in terms of region then North America would top the list by 43% which will be followed by Europe with 27%. Further down the list is APA and Rest of the World with 16% and 14% respectively.

Email Security & Usage Around the World

Unlike what some specialists pretend, "Zero Email" solution are available and spam control solutions can easily be implemented. You not only can change your employees behavior. But you can also impose your new communication method to your suppliers and external contacts employees. All this without asking them to change anything in their working methods.

Regain control of your time and communicate more effectively

Contact us to discuss your transition to “Zero Email” forms-based collaboration or to implement spam control filters.

You can signup for a FREE trial at the Zelena Inc site.

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